Frequently Asked Questions

To place an order, please fill out an Order Form with as much detail as possible. I will respond via email within 24-48 hours and let you know if I can take your order and provide a price quote. 

My availability depends on the week and time of the year. Some weeks are busier than others and fill up further in advance, but I typically need at least two weeks notice for custom orders. Please fill out an Order Form to see if I’m available to take your order. 

Cookies start at $54 per dozen. If the set you want includes a complex design, logo, or metallic detail the pricing will go up from there. To get an exact quote, please fill out an Order Form.

Cakes are priced based on the size and design. A 6 inch cake to feed 10 people starts at $40. To get an exact quote, please fill out an Order Form

I currently do not make gluten-free or sugar-free decorated cookies. 

A 50% deposit is due when you place your order.